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Video Marketing Strategies Part I

Video Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents

The author’s original work can be found HERE.

This entire article, "41 Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas Using Video Marketing," has been broken up into separate pages with the consent of Jessie Beaudoin. To learn more about the author, check out his bio below.

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This real estate marketing guide will show you the best practices to generate free real estate leads using video. These real estate videos can be used to generate leads on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

This is important since 37% of buyers reported using online video sites during their home search journey.

Get the video marketing checklist via text now to help you plan and shot any of the 41 real estate videos.

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Why Real Estate Agents Need to do Video Marketing?

Recent Facebook marketing research “Real Estate Trends & Insights” recommended video. Here’s why:

69% of real estate agents are using Facebook to generate real estate leads.
86% of prospective homebuyers use video Video ads are 2X more likely to create an emotional response 74% of people visit Facebook daily Other more specific real state marketing stats beyond Facebook.

Real Estate Video Stats

  • 54% watch video to obtain general real estate information
  • 37% of home buyers search online videos (2019 NAR research)
  • 56% find video very useful in the home search process
  • 85% of buyers and sellers want to work with real estate who use video
  • Social video posts get shared 1,200% more than text & images

Two Basic Types of Real Estate Marketing Videos

When it comes to video content for real estate there are two primary video types.

1. Evergreen Real Estate Videos

This type of marketing video content can be reused in many ways since it is always timely. You should focus on creating a library of evergreen real estate videos for every step of the buyer and seller journey.

You can then use the evergreen real estate videos to build a real estate lead funnel. This content is used to identify target audiences.

These videos would include the following:

  • Community Video
  • How-to videos
  • Testimonial videos
  • Brand / culture videos

You can also use the real estate listing videos as offers for your other marketing to develop relationships with referral partners and businesses.

An example is to highlight a local divorce attorney who can then refer your business.

2. Property or Listing Videos

These videos have a shorter lifespan since properties sell quickly. You can repurpose these listing videos as part of your listing presentations.

Real Estate listings with videos get 403% more inquiries than listings without video.

Use these past videos in your listing presentations to help you win new listings. These videos will generate more immediate buyer and seller inquiries.

Luxury Real Estate Listing Videos

If you are in a luxury market, your video quality will be highly produced and require a significant investment. Examples of high production value listing videos for luxury and lifestyle such as those below from Raj Qsar from The Boutique Real Estate Group or Sergio Gonzalez from SG Associates.

Use Your Phone to Make Your Marketing Videos

All the real estate video ideas in this guide are meant to be shot using your phone. There is no need to buy the best video equipment or hire a videographer.

If you do buy video equipment; focus on a stand, microphone, and lighting. A simple setup like below will run about $150.

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Helping businesses instantly G.E.T. (Generate, Engage, Track) leads from all marketing channels with CallAction intelligent sales & marketing automation.

Jessie Beaudoin is a life-long entrepreneur. Starting with a lemonade stand at age 8 with the help of his father, he got his first job at the age of 15 as a telemarketer. From there, Jessie remained self-employed where he then obtained his real estate license and worked as a mortgage broker while attending California State Fullerton. Efficient in consumer direct marketing, HTML, web design, SEO, generating inbound inquiries, marketing, and technology, Jessie is a common problem solver and strategic thinker in numerous areas.

Manages CallAction.

To connect with Jessie, click below!


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